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How long can a decayed tooth stay in the mouth?

A decayed tooth is a problem that seriously affects our oral health and progresses over time. However, many people may be uncertain about how long a decayed tooth can remain in the mouth. In this article, we will focus on the factors that affect the length of time a decayed tooth stays in the mouth and the potential risks of neglected decayed teeth.

Decayed teeth are our worst nightmare, right?

When will it start to hurt? Or will the decay get bigger and bigger?

We asked the answers to these questions to our doctors;

How long can a decayed tooth stay in the mouth?

If necessary precautions are not taken, a decaying tooth can gradually damage the entire tooth.

If the decaying tooth is left untreated, it can cause serious health problems.

Dental caries can progress and damage the root part of the tooth, causing the tooth to be completely damaged.

When the decay reaches the nerves, severe toothache can occur.

As a result of dental caries damaging the nerves, treatments such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction can be applied to treat the tooth.

Inflammation and infection can occur in the gums if the decaying tooth is not treated.

The treatment process is prolonged and the patient may experience severe pain.

If the infected decayed tooth is not treated and medication is not used, serious swelling and inflammation can occur in the gums.

High sensitivity to hot and cold can occur.

When you notice the decay, going to your dentist as soon as possible and taking precautions will minimize your treatment time and expenditure.

Trying to keep the decayed tooth in the mouth limits your comfort in daily life and damages your oral health. Taking steps for treatment as soon as you notice the decay will be very beneficial both financially and in terms of health.

Do not forget to make an appointment with your dentist to get detailed information about your tooth decay or oral health.

Healthy smiles.

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